Keeping your body fat under control and improving your fitness, in general, is all about maintaining adequate muscle mass — especially as you get older. Improved strength, better health, and a more sculpted, toned body are a few of the benefits of weight lifting for...
The 3 Positions in the Clean Pull The most common positions in the clean pull are from the ground, below the knee and above the knee. Each position can be worked together in complexes (a series of movements performed in a sequence that progress in a particular order)....
Weightlifting for Female Beginners If you think lifting weights exists only in the male domain, you couldn’t be further from the truth. This strengthening exercise regime is becoming increasingly popular among women — with programs available for weightlifting for...
Conventional vs Sumo Deadlift Stance — Which One To Choose? A deadlift, whether it’s a conventional or sumo stance, is one of the best exercises for building strength. It requires a great deal of raw strength to lift a heavy weight off the ground from a dead stop...
Finding the Right Barbell to Suit Your Training Goals When shopping around for a barbell, your style of training will determine how you select the right one. Yet, there are a variety of characteristics to look out for when considering a barbell that will cater to your...