Athlete Development Program
This program focuses on developing power, midline stability and injury prevention to help athletes go back to their sporting seasons after lockdown stronger and more resistance to potential injuries.
Resistance bands and access to a bench or chair that you can step on and jump off is all you need for this program.
Train with other athletes and like minded individuals who will help keep you accountable so when you return to your sporting seasons after lockdown, you’re physically prepared and ready to go.
Course Schedule and Outline
6th Sept – 1st Oct 2021
One Month
MONDAY | 7.30 – 8am Injury prevention for athletes | 4 – 4.30pm Athletic development session
TUESDAY | 4 – 4.30pm Athletic development session
WEDNESDAY | 7.30 – 8am Injury prevention for athletes
THURSDAY | 4 – 4.30 Athletic development session
FRIDAY | 7.30 – 8am Injury prevention for athletes | 4 – 4.30pm Athletic development session
Other Fitness Programs Available This September
Where can I train?
How do I start?
You can sign up online and receive your schedule via email. Simply select the program that best suits your needs and click “JOIN NOW” to get started. Once you have signed up, you will receive an email from which you can download a PDF containing links to all your classes.
Do I need weights?
No you do not need weights. Resistance bands and access to a bench or chair that you can step on and jump off is all you need for this program.
How long do the classes go for?
Classes run for approximately 30 minutes, depending on the volume load prescribed for the day. All sessions include warm up and activation prior to commencing the workout to ensure you’re ready to move.
When do the classes run?
Please check out our current schedule in the information provided on this page. All session times are in Australian Eastern Standard Time.
What if I don’t know the movement?
These sessions are conducted live. All exercises are demonstrated as needed throughout the session. If you are still unsure you can ask questions whenever you need during the work out and the coach is always available to answer them.
What platform is used for video conferencing?
We are using Zoom for all our virtual group training sessions. Anyone can access this platform at no cost. The Zoom web browser client will download automatically when you start or join your first Zoom meeting, and is also available for manual download here.
Training Programs
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